Category Archives: Organization

E is for the Elephant in the Room

This is a little embarassing to admit to, but I have bad credit. Most of it stems from when I was right out if high school and just into college (hello, student loans), but I’ve continued to let it go on for a long time now. It seems like every time I start living beyond paycheck to paycheck, life kicks me in the teeth to remind me just who’s boss around here. For example, things were great with my littlest one’s dad when my student loans came due. I wasn’t worried at all…but then that blew up and I wound up completely heartbroken, living with my mother with a six-year-old and a six-month-old, and working about twenty hours a week as a waitress. It was one of the worst times of my life, and my credit was the very last thing on my mind.

I met Darrick, and it took months for me to even admit to myself how much I liked him. We moved in together over a year later and it took a while to find our groove (joint checking is hard, people!). We both got great jobs and started looking at our future and what we need to do to be able to get into our own house.

And then he started getting sick. His diabetes spun out of control, he started being in a lot of pain, and he was so ill that he lost over 150 pounds in less than a year. He missed a lot of work through that, and then his doctor out him off work while we try to figure out what’s going on with him.

Now we’re in a position where we know a lot of what he’s not sick with, but still don’t have a solid answer on a diagnosis and he’s out of time off. He’s about to return to work, and while I worry my head off about him and how he’s feeling, there’s no denying that we’ll be able to breathe much better financially. And now we can start looking forward to our future a littke more.

And that means getting our credit lined out. It’s scary and it’s going to take a lot of work, but I’ll be glad to get the ball rolling and watch my credit score climb. And hopefully in a year or maybe two, we’ll be able to purchase our own home.

I just wish I had some idea of what I’m doing when I’m trying to fix all this mess! Lol. Everyone has different advice and sorting through it all is tricky, dang it.

C is for Challenge

If you’re wondering what’s with the letters lately, it’s all about this:


26 blog posts this month, keeping track by using the letters of the alphabet. I haven’t utilized my blog properly for a long time and it seemed like just the kick in the pants I needed. I have a lot of challenging things in my life I can’t do much about right now. This one I can.

I’ve thrown down a few more gauntlets for myself this month as well. As mentioned in previous posts, I am not the greatest of housekeepers. My house isn’t gross or anything. Just really messy is some rooms. Ok…maybe all if them. I seem to have a magic ability to obtain and keep things that we simply don’t use. I also tend to let the housework pile up and then get mad that no one is doing anything about it.

Apparently that’s what makes sense in my brain.

So I’ve decided to also challenge myself to do more around the place. At least one thing every day to make a difference.

Of course, I also have children. That one thing a day is probably pointless, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

Both of the girls now have purged bedrooms, and it’s now onto the biggest mess: my own. I may not have a million and two toys, but my laundry, midnight snack dishes, and trash in general seems to really pile up when I don’t stay on top of it every day.

Come to think of it, I really should make out that chore chart that I’ve been meaning to for the last year or so.

I’m not the only one guilty of it, though. Mr. Darrick is bad about letting his dirty clothes pile up in the corner and having dishes and empty potato chip cans laying around, too. Both of us need to overhaul our closet space, and we still have decorations to hang.

You know, chronicling my whole purging journey like this kinda makes me feel like a failure. Like I suck as a mom and a woman in general for letting it get to this point. If someone walked in my room right now, it would probably take a good minute before they picked their jaw up off of my sticky floor. I’m disappointed in myself. However, at least in admitting to my faults and doing something about it. Everybody lets things get out of hand sometimes. We’re all busy living chaotic, busy lives and minor things continue to pile up until they’re major.

Oh well.

Off to work and then coming home to begin the master bedroom purge. Yay rah!

Holy Crapballs, Where Did All This Come From?

Thus far into the purging process, I have hauled out eight bags of trash, broken toys, and outgrown clothing.

I had no idea we even had this much stuff crammed into our apartment. No wonder the girls never want to pick up their rooms. There was too much stuff and not enough space to keep it all put away in.

Problem solved.

Now it’ll take a fraction of the time to pick up bedrooms, the toys they have are the ones they really like and play with, and it’s a lot prettier to look at.

The little one was thrilled to death with her room, and absolutely fantastic about sitting through all her toys. She even helped me set up her new twin-sized bed because she didn’t want me to “get hurt being all alone.”

How sweet is that?

Back to the purge now. Send help in two days if you haven’t heard from me. I may have drowned trying to clear out more stuffs.